Monday, June 21, 2010

Parenting in a Higher Conscious World

Parenting in a Higher Conscious World.

So you know that life for you has had a few set-backs and you want to place blame on all sorts of situations and people from your past to say it was because of them that such and such happened. That is OK as we all did that it was the natural process of humanity for the conscious level it was at. But today we live in different times and at a far different level of conscious awareness then previously known. Some of the beauty in that, is that we no longer place blame we actually take responsibility for our co creative roles in this world and we act as such.
So now as life has new guidelines for success our parenting also has a new set of guidelines as we have to assimilate this expansion of humanities consciousness into our behaviors. The role of parenting gives us such a gift when we no longer have to exert control over our children we just nurture from within the empowered conscious level that children born today have inherent in their DNA code. Some of those higher conscious levels that are within our children are heightened energy, compassion, and energy body capabilities that are beyond the limited capabilities we as humans have known over the last generations. During the last 50 years an increase in people being born with expanded conscious abilities has taken place. Caregivers have noticed the increase in developmental qualities of children by seeing that children attain and learn developmental skills at a much faster rate then previously known. Other higher conscious traits are those that are spoken of when people discuss the crystal or indigo children. Those abilities are of an energy body nature in that these children are intuitively more aware of the unseen or quantum state then we were as children. Those abilities range from and are not limited to intuition, telepathic abilities, clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral projection, and quantum jumping and energy body healing. Why is it that these children can perform in such a way it is because their are born with a higher level of electromagnetic frequency emissions from their energy body self.
Before with our parenting we tended to resist out of our own fear of the unknown, any of the signs for unseen world behavior that was surfacing before our very eyes and with this resistance of ours we acted in such a way to stop the energy coming to earth and therefore we slowed somewhat the evolution of humanity. But as great as the creative process is it will not be stopped and more and more children are born today with this higher vibrational frequency level. Parenting now takes on a new shift as we learn to embrace and bring forth the co-creative expression that children naturally possess, no longer fearing but openly welcoming the gifts of non-limitation that we see. Parenting just got a whole lot easier as you no longer have to teach but you guide forth that which is within children.
In doing so you relax in to a state of flowing a state of harmony and a state of love for it is with the love you put out that you in turn receive the love back. In fact anything you put out you will receive back. If you think this is not so, pay attention to your giving and know that it is the same as what you are receiving. There is no more blame. You create your reality and all that is displayed in your external world, is a reflection of your inner being. Creating well is natural and visible if you look to the children, you will see the now activity of creating in the moment and creating well in the moment. Children do this all the time they create something into more than it was. They change the rules without a thought that it cannot be done. They invent, create, play and enjoy all in the moment of their own magical world. Taking note of your child and all that is around them will allow you to provide much more in the way of the higher vibrations of life ,in doing so you not only give them the vibrational energy atmosphere they thrive well in you will adjust your own energy to resonate with the new level inherent in the children. When parent and child are of similar energy vibrations all is right and harmonious in the world. When you find that there is a dissonance or mismatch in energy then conflict arises. Trust the process as evolution is moving forward to that which is greater and get on board with harmonizing your energy frequency with that of your children as they are far more advanced then you give them credit for.
In movement for a planetary harmonizing shift in the parenting role. For more information visit and sign-up for the HV Perspective an informative e-mail e-zine to ensure you stay updated for conscious choice parenting in a higher conscious world.

Tanya Jopson

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